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22 Sep
Friday Posters
Add Session to Calendar 2023-09-22 08:30 am 2023-09-22 04:05 pm Asia/Singapore Friday Posters Friday Posters is taking place on the RecSys Hub. Https://
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Interface Design to Mitigate Inflation in Recommender Systems

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Rana Shahout (Technion), Yehonatan Peisakhovsky (Technion), Sasha Stoikov (Cornell Tech) and Nikhil Garg (Cornell Tech).

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Recommendation systems rely on user-provided data to learn about item quality and provide personalized recommendations. An implicit assumption when aggregating ratings into item quality is that ratings are strong indicators of item quality. In this work, we analyze this assumption using data collected from a music discovery application. Our study focuses on two factors that cause rating inflation: heterogeneous user rating behavior and the dynamics of personalized recommendations. We show that user rating behavior is significantly variable, leading to item quality estimates that reflect the users who rated an item more than the item quality itself. Additionally, items that are more likely to be shown via personalized recommendations can experience a substantial increase in their exposure and potential bias toward them. To mitigate these effects, we conducted a randomized controlled trial where the rating interface was modified. This resulted in a substantial improvement in user rating behavior and a reduction in item quality inflation. These findings highlight the importance of carefully considering the assumptions underlying recommendation systems and designing interfaces that encourage accurate rating behavior.

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