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21 Sep
Thursday Posters
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LLM Based Generation of Item-Description for Recommendation System

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Arkadeep Acharya (Sony Research India), Brijraj Singh (Sony Research India) and Naoyuki Onoe (Sony Research India).

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The description of an item plays a pivotal role in providing concise and informative summaries to captivate potential viewers and is essential for recommendation systems. Traditionally, such descriptions were obtained through manual web scraping techniques, which are time-consuming and susceptible to data inconsistencies. In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3.5, and open source LLMs like Alpaca have emerged as powerful tools for natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we have explored how we can use LLMs to generate detailed descriptions of the items. To conduct the study, we have used the MovieLens 1M dataset comprising movie titles and the Goodreads Dataset consisting of names of books and subsequently, an open-sourced LLM, Alpaca, was prompted with few-shot prompting on this dataset to generate detailed movie descriptions considering multiple features like the names of the cast and directors for the ML dataset and the names of the author and publisher for the Goodreads dataset. The generated description was then compared with the scraped descriptions using a combination of Top Hits, MRR, and NDCG as evaluation metrics. The results demonstrated that LLM-based movie description generation exhibits significant promise, with results comparable to the ones obtained by web-scraped descriptions.

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